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New Shopping Platform

M&H Uniforms has introduced a new shopping platform. To activate your new account, two emails will be sent to you.  

- The first is announcing our improved platform and latest technology.

- The second email is inviting you to activate your new account. 

To seamlessly transfer your account to our latest platform, click on "Activate Your Account" from the second email, then enter a NEW password of your choice. It's that simple! 

Everyone needs to activate a password. Your "old" login and password will no longer work.

When you sign up for an account with M&H Uniforms, you will have access to your personal collection, company pricing, and much more.   

Can't find your email invitation? Check your work & personal email for your invitation. If you have yet to receive one, email, and provide your full name, preferred email, airline, and employee #. We'll send you a new invite right away.





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