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Size Guide - Female

Women’s Fit Guide


How to Measure: Using a tape measure, have someone take your measurements as noted below. Or follow our video instructions on how to measure your uniform.

Bust Measurements: Measure the chest with the tape measure underneath the arms, across the shoulder blades, and over the fullest part of the bust. The measuring tape should be snug but not tight.

Waist Measurements: Measure the natural waist at the smallest part of the waist. The measuring tape should be snug but not tight.

Hip Measurements: Stand with your heels together and measure around the fullest part of your hips. The measuring tape should be snug but not tight.

Inseam Measurements: Measure inside leg seam from crotch seam to hem on a pair of similar style trousers (not jeans). Alternatively, measure on body from crotch to floor with tape measure.

Outseam Measurements: Simply lay the trousers down on a flat surface and measure the distance from the top of its waistband to the bottom of the pant. 


When a measurement appears to land in-between two sizes, it’s generally better to order the larger size. Unless noted, all measurements are listed in inches






For additional assistance determining your proper measurements, please get in touch with customer service at 1-800-888-9927, or email us at email at



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